3-Reconfigurable frequency using electromagnetic band gap structures for single band and wideband

Ayop, O.; Rahim, M. K A; Murad, N.A., "Reconfigurable frequency using electromagnetic band gap structures for single band and wideband," Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 2012 International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.1192,1195, Oct. 29 2012 - Nov. 2 2012 (Index Scopus).

Introduction: Electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures have become a favorable field of research within the microwaves, photonics, and antenna design. The unusual properties of this structure such as frequency bandgap [1], in phase reflector arrays [2] and high impedances surface [3] made this structure unique. Several reports have been published to show the ability of EBG structures to improve the performance of the conventional devices when they are integrated together [4]. Some of them are improving radiation pattern of antenna [5], suppressing surface waves for planar antenna design [6], reducing mutual coupling [7] and steering the beam of antenna’s radiation pattern for array design [8]. The resonance frequency of EBG structures depend on the equivalent LC network of the structure. To obtain the specific resonance frequency, many researchers proposed different kind of structures which is normally obtained by modifying the shape of EBG patches itself [9]. The operating frequency is tuned by varying the value of total capacitance, C. Several researchers work on tuning the operating frequency of the EBG structures by introducing tuning element, which mean to vary the inductance value. But, that kind of design do not provide much degree of freedom on selecting which frequency band to operate and which types of bandwidth it prefer to be whether single narrowband frequency, multiband frequency or wideband frequency.


[1] E. Yablonovitch, “Photonic band-gap structures”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 10, No. No 2, February 1993.

[2] Fan Yang, Yahya Rahmat-Samii, “Reflection phase characterizations of the EBG Ground Plane for Low Profile Wire Antenna Applications, IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, Place, No. 10, October 2003.

[3] D. Sievenpiper, L. Zhang, R. F. J. Broas, N. G. Alexopolus, E. Yablonovitch, “High-Impedance electromagnetic surface with a forbidden frequency band,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol 47, 2059-74, 1999.

[4] O. Ayop, M. K. A. Rahim, M. R. Kamarudin, M. Z. A. Abdul Aziz, M. Abu, “Dual band electromagnetic band gap structure incorporated with ultra-wideband antenna,” Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, April 2010.

[5] Alexandros P. Feresidis, George Goussetis, Shenhong Wang, John (Yiannis) C. Vardaxoglou, “Artificial magnetic conductor surface and their application to low-profile high-gain planar antennas,” IEEE Transc. on Antennas and Propag., Vol. 53, No 1, January 2005.

[6] F. Yang, Y. Rahmat-Samii, “Microstrip antennas integrated with electromagnetic band-gap structures: a low mutual coupling design for array application,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation., Vol 51, pp. 2936-2946, Oct. 2003.

[7] F. Yang, Y. Rahmat Samii, “Mutual coupling reduction of microstrip antennas using electromagnetic band-gap structure,” Proc. IEEE AP-S Dig., Vol 2, pp. 479-481, July 2001.

[8] L. C. Kreatly, A. Tayora, “A PBG-photonic band gap-static phase-shifter for steerable antenna array,” IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig, Vol 1, pp. 211-214, Sep 2003.

[9] T. Masri, M. K. A. Rahim, O. Ayop, F. Zubir, N. A. Samsuri, H. A. Majid “Electromagnetic band gap structure incorporated with dual band microstrip antenna array,” Progress in Electromagnetic Research M, Vol 11, pp. 111-122, 2010.