5-Microstrip reflectarray using second iteration Minkowski-like radiating element

AB Shallah, F Zubir, MKA Rahim, O Ayop, “Microstrip reflectarray using second iteration Minkowski-like radiating element,” 2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-16 November 2017, pp. 176-179.

Abstract - A new class of reflectarray unit cell with increased phase-shift using single-layer second iteration Minkowski-like with triangles at the four corners of radiating element at frequency of 14GHz is proposed. The structure provides increased number of edges which contributes to increased reflection phase of the element. Using this method, the proposed structure was found to have wide phase-range of 393°. A centre-fed reflectarray antenna is designed and from simulation results, the structure is found to have low SLL -15dB, realized gain of 28dB, and overall efficiency of 94.85% at operating frequency 14GHz.

Keyword: Microstrip reflecarray; second iteration; Minkowski