1-A Parametric Study of Microwave Absorber Based on Metamaterial Structure

Ayop, O.; Rahim, M.K.A.; Murad, N.A., "A parametric study of microwave absorber based on metamaterial structure," Applied Electromagnetics (APACE), 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on , vol., no., pp.234,237, 11-13 Dec. 2012 (Index Scopus).

Abstract—This report presents a study of microwave absorber based on metamaterial structure. A symmetrical patch shape is simulated with metal ground plane at the opposite side. The structure is investigated based on various sizes of specific part of the structure. The structure is designed on FR4 substrate. From the simulation, it shows that different parameter size of each part of the metamaterial patch affected the resonance frequency and the absorbance value of the absorber. By doing this study, the operating frequency of the structure can be predicted for varying a specific part of the patch.

Index Terms—metamaterial, microwave absorber, parametric study, absorbance.